The 2nd International Workshop on
Luminescent Materials 2015


December 12-13, 2015, Kyoto, JAPAN

Registration & Abstracts submission    

Instructions to prepare your abstract

  1. The formatted abstract of your paper should be prepared similar to the one shown in the AbstractExample.doc (download) . Abstract must be prepared with font of Times New Roman.
  2. Electronic form (MS OfficeWord, camera ready) of the abstract should be sent to the organizers using online system by October 26, 2015.

  3. Submit Abstract

    "We are receiving oral and poster presentations. In the case of many submissions to oral presentation, some of them may be changed to a poster presentation.
    We are now accepting only poster presentations.(Oct.13)
    When an abstract is accepted, only the presenting author will be notified via e-mail."

    For any question relating to abstracts please contact

    * = (please replace"(a)" with "@".)