Notes »Books »Reviews »Original papers
50. 林 英明,
New Glass 39[3], (2024) 62-64. (ニューガラスフォーラム 機関誌)
49. S. Tanabe,
"Preface: International Year of Glass",
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 130[8], (2022) P8-1,P8-12. DOI: 10.2109/jcersj2.130.P8-1
48. 田部 勢津久、
総人・人環フォーラム Vol.40, (2022) 32-33.
47. 田部 勢津久、
"国際ガラス年: 国連採択までの 歩みと活動計画",
セラミックス Vol.57[3], (2022) 122-125.
46. 田部 勢津久、
New Glass 134 Vol.36[3], (2021) 53-55.
45. J. Xu, D. Murata, J. Ueda, S. Tanabe,
"1.5μm persistent luminescence of Er3+ in Gd3Al5-xGaxO12 (GAGG) garnets via persistent energy
Proc. SPIE 10914, Optical Components and Materials XVI, (2019) DOI: 10.1117/12.2505759
44. 田部 勢津久,「梁山泊主人の秋」
総合人間学部広報 No.60 (2018) 10-11.
43. 淺見 一喜、
"研究機関紹介:CNRS Chimie ParisTech 滞在記",
New Glass 125 Vol.33[3], (2018) 38-41.
42.上田 純平、
「化学」71[8], (2016) 61-62.
41. P. F. Smet, B. Viana, S. Tanabe, M. Peng, J. Holsa, W. Chen,
"Feature issue introduction: persistent and photostimulable phosphors - an established research field with clear challenges ahead ",
Opt. Mater. Express 6[4], (2016) 1414-1419. DOI:10.1364/OME.6.001414
40. G. C. Righini, J. A. Capobiancoc, S. Tanabe,
"Special Issue on Light, Energy and Life",
J.Lumin. 170[3], (2016) 749. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2015.11.038
39. 田部 勢津久、上田 純平
日本学術振興会 第125委員会 EL分科会 第46回研究会合同研究会「LED照明用蛍光体関連技術の現状と将来展望」研究会資料, (2015) 12-15.
38. J. Ueda, K. Kuroishi, S. Tanabe,
"Development of blue excitable persistent phosphor of Ce3+-doped garnet ceramics by bandgap engineering and metal-sensitization",
Proc. SPIE 8987, Oxide-based Materials and Devices V, (2014) DOI: 10.1117/12.2042654
37. 上田 純平、
New Glass 113 Vol.29[3], (2014) 49-51.
36. S.Tanabe,
"Luminescent Ceramics Benefits a New LED Lamp"、
Kyoto University Research Activities 4[2], (2014) 26.
(in "Cutting-Edge Research in Kyoto University" of the issue)
35. 田部 勢津久、
"発光材料国際会議2013 (International Workshop on Luminescent Materials 2013) 開催報告",
村田学術振興財団 年報, No.28, (2014) 855-856.
34. S.Tanabe, G.C.Righini, M.Ferrari,
"Preface: Photoluminescence in rare earths: Photonic materials and devices",
Opt.Mater. 35, (2013) 1877-1878.
33. H. Naito, S. Tanabe,
"Preface: Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications",
Phys. Status Solidi C 9[12], (2012) 2222-2225.
32. 上田 純平、
NEW GLASS Vol.27, (2012) 66-69.
31. 中西 貴之、
"Eu3+付活b-Ca2SiO4, Ca3Si2O7析出結晶化ガラス蛍光体の作成およびその発光特性"
村田学術振興財団年報, No.22, (2008) 686-688.
30. 田部 勢津久、
村田学術振興財団年報, No.19, (2005) 316-322.
29. 齋藤、森岡、川崎、湯浅、種谷、田部、川上、船戸、藤田、原田、
シャープ技報 91 (2005) 50-53.
28. 田部 勢津久、
日本セラミックス協会関西支部第7回若手フォーラムテキスト「情報・環境・バイオ分野へアプローチする材料技術」, (2004) pp.17-24. Invited
27. T. Tamaoka, S. Tanabe,
"Effect of auxiliary L-band laser on the upconversion mechanism of Tm-doped fiber in dual-wavelength pumping scheme",
Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications (2003) DOI: 10.1364/OAA.2003.MD25
26. S. Ono, S. Tanabe,
"Precise characterization of Er3+ ions in fibers with different Al2O3 content",
Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications (2003) DOI: 10.1364/OAA.2003.MD21
25. M. Onishi, S. Tanabe, K. Hirao,
"Spectroscopy of Er3+ doped antimony silicate glasses for broad-band amplifier",
Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications (2003) DOI: 10.1364/OAA.2003.WC3
24. M. Nishi, S. Tanabe, K. Fujita, K. Hirao,
"Novel Er3+-doped glass-ceramics with extra-broad emission for S+- and U-band amplifier",
Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications (2003) DOI: 10.1364/OAA.2003.WC2
23. H. Yamazaki, S. Tanabe,
"Transparent Cr4+-doped gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) glass-ceramics for broadband",
Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications (2003) DOI: 10.1364/OAA.2003.WC1
22. T. Tamaoka, S. Tanabe,
"Comparison of Gain Characteristics of Tm-Doped Fiber Amplifier by Different Pumping Schemes"
Conf. Opt. Fiber Com. Tech. Digest Series 86, (2003) 630-631.
21. S. Tanabe,
"Novel amplifier glasses for broad-band WDM telecommunication"
Proceedings of SPIE 5061, (2002) 41-49.
20. S. Tanabe, T. Tamaoka,
"Gain characteristics of Tm-doped fiber amplifier by dual-wavelength pumping with tunable L-band source"
Optical Fiber Communication (2002)
19. Y. Kondo, T. Nagashima, S. Takenobu, N. Sugimoto, S. Ito, S. Tanabe, T. Hanada, K. Kintaka, J. Nishii,
"Fabrication of Bi2O3-based Er-doped waveguide for integrated optical amplifiers"
Conf. Opt. Fiber Communication, Technical Digest Series 70, (2002) 11-12.
18. S.Ohara, N. Sugimoto, Y. Kondo, K. Ochiai, Y. Kuroiwa, Y. Fukasawa, T. Hirose, H. Hayashi, S. Tanabe,
"Bi2O3-based glass for S-band amplification"
Proceedings of SPIE 4645, (2002) 8-15. DOI:10.1117/12.461656
17. 田部 勢津久、
旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告,(2002) 70-72.
16. S.Ohara, N. Sugimoto, Y.Kondo, K.Ochiai, Y.Kuroiwa, Y.Fukasawa, T.Hirose, H.Hayashi, S.Tanabe,
“Bi2O3-based Glass for S-band Amplification”,
旭硝子研究報告 52, (2002) pp.1-5.(英文)
15. S.Tanabe,
"Research Acitivities on Rare Earth Doped Amplifiers for the WDM Telecommunication in Tanabe Laboratory",
Schott Info (The special Glass magazine) No.95 (2002).
14. S. Tanabe,
"Properties of Tm3+-doped tellurite glasses for 1.4μm amplifier"
Proceedings of SPIE 4282, (2001) 85-92. DOI:10.1117/12.424764
13. Y. Kuroiwa, N. Sugimoto, K. Ochiai, S. Ohara, Y. Fukasawa, S. Ito, S. Tanabe, T. Hanada,
"Fusion spliceable and high efficient Bi2O3-based EDF for short-length and broadband application pumped at 1480nm"
Conf. Opt. Fiber Communication, Technical Digest Series 54, (2001) TuI5/1-TuI5/3.
12.Y. Kuroiwa, N.Sugimoto, K. Ochiai, S. Ohara, Y.Fukasawa, S. Ito, S.Tanabe, T.Hanada,
“Bi2O3 Based Erbium Doped Fiber (Bi-EDF) for Candidates of the Broadband and Compact Amplifiers”,
旭硝子研究報告 51, (2001) pp.6-10. (英文)
11. 田部 勢津久、
10. N. Sugimoto, Y. Kuroiwa, S. Ito, S. Tanabe, T. Hanada,
"Broadband 1.5μm emission of Er3+ ions in bismuth-based oxide glasses for WDM amplifier"
Conference Proceedings-Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS 2 (1999) 814-815.
9. 田部 勢津久、
日本板硝子材料工学助成会成果報告書 17, (1999) 111-120.
8. 田部 勢津久、
New Glass 13[3], (1998) p.63-64.
7. 田部、
「セラミックス」32[7], 567-569 (1997) (クロスロード:世界は今)Ver.2=New Glass.
6. 田部 勢津久、
「化学」51[3],(1996)194-195. 2nd=NGls 12[4] (1997) 50-54.
5. 田部 勢津久、
光科学技術研究振興財団平成6年度助成研究・研究成果報告書集、助成対象研究論文, p.1-11
4. S. Tanabe, K. Hirao, N. Soga, T. Hanada,
"Upconversion intensity and multiphonon relaxation of Er3+-doped glasses"
Proceedings of SPIE - The Inter. Soc. Opt. Engineering 1513, (1991) 340-348.
3. 田部、平尾、曽我、
2. 田部 勢津久、
1. 田部 勢津久,
日本工業新聞, 7月11日版、(1990) 11-12.(独創性を拓く先端技術学生論文 ・第4回文部大臣賞(1席)受賞論文)